Keeping your kidneys healthy is one of the utmost important things someone can do for their health, especially considering 1 in 7 adults in the United States have kidney disease. Of those 77 million Americans, it’s estimated that 90% of people don’t even know it1Kidney Disease Statistics for the United States | NIDDK. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2021). Retrieved 7 December 2021, from So, while you may be thinking that there’s no way you have to worry about your kidney health, think again. Now, that’s not to say that you should panic. While kidney disease is a serious illness, there are many things you can do to reverse, repair and improve your kidney function.

Why Kidneys Are Important
When we think about physical health, we often think about our stomach or gut biome, our lungs, heart, and other important organs, all the while forgetting about our kidneys. However, your kidneys are just as important as any other organ as they remove waste and extra fluid from your body. This helps your body maintain a healthy balance of salts, water and minerals in your blood and to prevent a buildup of waste2Your Kidneys & How They Work | NIDDK. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2018). Retrieved 7 December 2021, from
What happens when your kidneys are damaged?
When your kidneys are damaged and not working properly, waste products and fluid can build up in your body. This can cause a vast array of symptoms and potential problems, including:
- Nausea
- Poor sleep
- Shortness of breath
- Swelling in your ankles
- Weakness
Risks of kidney damage
While all of the symptoms mentioned above are a potential risk that comes with kidney damage, the long-term damage can be life-threatening. When your kidneys continue to go on a downward spiral with no intervention, you run the risk of having your kidneys fail, which is when your kidneys eventually stop working. This is life-threatening.
Signs of Kidney Damage
Now, you may be wondering if you’re at risk of developing kidney disease or if you live a lifestyle that isn’t necessarily kidney-friendly. While it’s recommended to speak with your healthcare provider to receive a proper diagnosis, these are the common warning signs of kidney problems310 Signs You May Have Kidney Disease. National Kidney Foundation. (2020). Retrieved 7 December 2021, from
- Breathlessness
- Bubbly urine
- Fogginess
- Foul breath
- Frequent or constant exhaustion
- Itchy skin
- Low appetite
- Muscle cramps
- Poor sleep or insomnia
- Swollen feet or face
Types of Treatment for Kidney Failure
There are two types of treatments for kidney failure – dialysis and kidney transplant4Choosing a Treatment for Kidney Failure | NIDDK. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2018). Retrieved 7 December 2021, from Both are pretty extreme treatments – you can go through exhausting dialysis that removes waste and extra fluid from your body or you can undergo invasive surgery to replace your kidney. Both options are intense and often extremely difficult on the body. There is also typically a long waitlist to receive these treatments, which is why it is so important to stay on top of your kidney health now.
How To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy
After reading all of that, it is entirely normal to be a little freaked out. As you can see, your kidney health is important and the risks and symptoms of unhealthy kidneys can be exceptionally uncomfortable, debilitating and even life-threatening. The good news is that there are many steps you can implement into your day to start improving, repairing and reversing kidney damage.
Stay active with regular exercise
You’ve heard it a million times before and you’re going to hear it again, you must remain active and fit. Regular exercise is key to maintaining good health on a physical, mental and emotional level – and yes, this includes for your kidneys too. With regular exercise (preferably a minimum of 20 minutes a day), you can lower the risk of kidney disease, as it reduces your blood pressure and increases your heart health. Both of these are key for preventing kidney damage5Exercise. Kidney Care UK. Retrieved 7 December 2021, from
Watch your sugar intake
By now, we all know that sugar is the root of all evil. It has been linked to a plethora of diseases and illnesses, including life-threatening ones, such as cancer, diabetes, and kidney disease6Kubala, J. (2018). 11 Reasons Why Too Much Sugar Is Bad for You. Healthline. Retrieved 9 December 2021, from The good news is that, by controlling your blood sugar, you can reduce the risk of potential damage that is caused when your blood sugar is too high and your kidneys have to work extra hard7Diabetes and kidney failure – Better Health Channel. Retrieved 7 December 2021, from
Eat a healthy diet
When most people talk about diet, it’s for weight loss. However, there are many serious health risks that come from having a poor diet and/or from being overweight or obese from a poor diet. This includes heart disease, kidney disease, and diabetes8Health Risks of Overweight & Obesity | NIDDK. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2018). Retrieved 7 December 2021, from
Aim to have a diet that is low in sodium, processed meats and other kidney-damaging ingredients, such as soda, canned foods, dairy, pickles, etc. You’ll also want to focus on eating fresh foods that are naturally low in sodium, such as fish, whole grains, cauliflower, and blueberries.
Stay hydrated
Water is the [not-so] secret remedy for keeping your kidneys healthy. It is recommended that you should typically drink eight glasses of water each day to stay properly hydrated. This number should increase with every workout and if you’ve had kidney stones previously. Regardless, proper hydration is key for kidney health specifically, as proper hydration helps clear sodium and toxins from your kidneys9Hydration for kidney health – Kidney Research UK. Kidney Research UK. Retrieved 7 December 2021, from
Quit your bad habits
Vices. We all have them, but when you have a potential underlying health condition or a diagnosed kidney problem, you’ll want to make some serious lifestyle changes – and yes, that means quitting your bad habits. Whether it’s emotional eating, excessive drinking, or smoking cigarettes, bad habits and kidney health do not go hand-in-hand1010 Common Habits That May Harm Your Kidneys. National Kidney Foundation. (2016). Retrieved 7 December 2021, from
Butt out
Speaking of vices, cigarettes are a topic that deserve their own section. Smoking cigarettes is a significant risk if you have kidney health concerns or damage, as it damages your body’s blood vessels. With time, this leads to a slower blood flow to your body, including your kidneys11Orth, S., & Hallan, S. (2018). Smoking: A Risk Factor for Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease and for Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality in Renal Patients—Absence of Evidence or Evidence of Absence?. American Society of Nephrology. Retrieved 7 December 2021, from Additionally, smoking increases your risk of developing cancer. So, it’s definitely time to butt out.
Practice mindfulness and meditation
It might seem odd to see mindfulness and meditation on this list of ways to improve your kidney function, but don’t be mistaken. By implementing regular mindfulness and meditation into your day, you can decrease your stress, which in turn, can reduce blood pressure and blood sugar levels12EMOTIONSMindfulness, Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose levels. (2019). Retrieved 7 December 2021, from Both your blood pressure and blood sugar levels place additional strain and burden on your kidneys, so a little breathwork can make a major difference.
Just like any other main organ, your kidney health should be at the top of your priority list as they are vital to your overall health and wellness. Unfortunately, your kidneys take the brunt of bad habits, whether it’s a poor diet, a lack of exercise, bad habits or worse vices. The good news is that you can improve, repair your kidneys to optimize your kidney function and ultimately, your health. It just takes a few simple changes that allow you to maintain an active, health-conscious lifestyle. However, if you are concerned or at risk of developing kidney disease, it is crucial that you speak with your doctor to receive a proper diagnosis and to discuss any potential warning signs you’re seeing.